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Windows Server 2019 密钥激活码序列号

Windows Server 2019


windowsserver2019,winserver2019,win server 2019,标准,企业,数据中心

在线购买,自动发货,一机一码 >

类型 激活码 次数 错误代码 更新时间 描述
Retail QHWHT-RN8PR-WQ4CY-WHVXT-FVXQ3 0 0 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard Retail
Retail 8N9C8-PFCPD-66Y4K-MFDHG-GMWWF 0 0 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail
Retail F6CYW-QN7HC-T6M6T-9VY3K-KQDGQ 0 0 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Retail
OEM:DM 9R69H-NM9K8-72CKY-R7P8B-G3DGX -1 0x67 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:DM
OEM NON SLP Q3DTQ-T6N3Y-YKRF7-8CB94-FC4CY -1 0x86 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP
Retail NY48Y-K9DDM-VT896-8VW3H-6X2JT -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Retail
MAK 8N3M3-KQXF4-HHQ4Y-WRGXH-463GV -1 0x67 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Volume:MAK
OEM SLP KHFM3-NW7PC-GYV6D-6YBQB-RC4BJ -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)
VT:IA 2CTP7-NHT64-BP62M-FV6GG-HFV28 -1 0x86 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution VT:IA
OEM SLP N4XM6-FYMQM-8K2CG-D6DDH-RGF9C -1 0x86 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution OEM:SLP
TBEVAL N768D-V2R7C-VRBQM-YCJQQ-MDYP4 -1 0x86 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Retail:TB:Eval
GVLK TBNX2-VFP7M-JT6GH-FV2FF-GX2KG -1 0x86 Windows Server Essentials 2019 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK
OEM:DM GNM93-YKYXR-WTVC4-RY9BC-CKFBK -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM
OEM:DM PD9BN-KTQRG-2GH6T-3BT96-KTRBM -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)
OEM NON SLP NFKHD-4MFXJ-V8DMX-V8XC2-DDDD4 -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP
OEM NON SLP NDDBP-M3KRG-6HHBX-GFHRD-BHCHT -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)
MAK NPKRY-R7VXH-9FXCJ-QM7GV-QPG4D -1 0x67 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard;ServerStandardACor Volume:MAK
OEM:DM W374N-CR9R2-G36CB-MBY8K-QV8WG -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM
TBEVAL X6B8W-TN3XG-6F22Q-RQG6Q-BHCJK -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval
OEM:DM 3PFM8-GN437-GW6KP-FVXXK-YDYM8 -1 0x67 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:DM (MUI locked to zh-CN)
TBEVAL 84NDK-M3JW4-PHYFH-CM7GR-6Q9TF -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval
TBEVAL 4WX3D-NPGJF-F4X7B-X9PRX-V24CB -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval
Retail 8GTN9-WP4GG-33HFG-7J66H-4C4CT -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardCor Retail
Retail DYNQ8-H7BQB-YCF8K-PM77M-PR66D -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterCor Retail
TBEVAL NX6TT-WH4BH-CJC2P-M98B8-33YPV -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardEvalCor Retail:TB:Eval
OEM NON SLP F2YM7-NC42F-GF8H3-3GYK7-7QYMX -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP
OEM NON SLP VCB9N-R7JFT-3FG3C-8WJQY-39QFM -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)
Retail VFFNY-J46DH-MDD2F-RCFMY-RC4CF -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardACor Retail
GVLK N76RK-Y8DB4-TCGMV-TB6JB-RC4BP -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK
OEM SLP QMNY4-DG2PG-X94QM-TXYHM-39QFP -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP
GVLK N2KJX-J94YW-TQVFB-DG9YT-724CC -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandardACor Volume:GVLK
OEM SLP P3NRG-H2HT7-DD6YP-KHY4P-76F8D -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN)
GVLK PR3DM-NGHRJ-RXJQT-FFJPV-JQPH6 -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK
GVLK 6NMRW-2C8FM-D24W7-TQWMY-CWH2D -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerDatacenterACor Volume:GVLK
OEM SLP 3X99J-PND6M-WWTJQ-TQGXY-HVCHV -1 0x86 Windows Server 2019 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP

转载请注明:【Windows Server 2019 密钥激活码序列号】





我爱你 楼主 找半天还是你的中啊








- -! 假装admin

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